UMKC Authors Demonstrate Self-Archiving

A person works at a desk between rows of library card catalogs

Billie Anderson (Henry W. Bloch School of Management), Majid Bani-Yaghoub (School of Science and Engineering), Vagmi Kantheti (student, Professional Year 1 – School of Medicine) and Scott Curtis (University Libraries) have published “Using R to develop a corpus of full-text journal articles” in the Journal of Information Science (OnlineFirst July 14, 2023, ahead of print).

Because UMKC Libraries does not subscribe to the Journal of Information Science, and because of the authors’ interests in making this scholarship available to the widest audience, they have arranged to place an accepted proof of their article, openly accessible, in MOspace. If other faculty authors are interested in how to legally make their published articles available to a wider audience than the journal subscribers, UMKC Libraries has created a workflow explaining how to verify that faculty have the right to do this, and to place the correct version of the article into MOspace.

Self-Archiving Guide

Self-archiving publications in MOspace infographic

By: Scott Curtis, Teaching & Learning Librarian, and Olivia Kays, Academic Library Fellow


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