Plan Your Visit

Travel Information

UMKC Volker Campus

Volker Campus

The Miller Nichols Library is located at 800 E. 51st St, Kansas City, MO 64110. Parking is available in the lot off Rockhill Rd. north of 51st street.

Floor plan

Miller Nichols Library Floor Plans

The Marr Sound Archives are located on the ground floor. LaBudde Special Collections, GLAMA (Gay & Lesbian Archives of Mid-America), and University Archives share a reading room on the third floor.


If you are planning to spend more than an hour or two visiting our Special Collections, please ask us for a complimentary parking pass. If you are planning a short visit, you can use:


The nearest UMKC shuttle bus stop (no. 8) is at E. 51st and Troost Avenue. The RideKC Troost MAX bus also stops at E. 51st and Troost Avenue. All RideKC buses are currently free to ride. Plan your bus ride.


Bike racks are available outside all library entrances.

Once You've Arrived

On-Campus WiFi Access

If you are affiliated with another University, you may be able to use the eduroam network with your home institution credentials:

  • Network Name: UMKCWPA
  • Username: UMKC-visitor
  • Password: Please ask our staff

If you are not affiliated, you can use our guest WiFi.

Reading Room Policies​

Collections materials are for use only in the library. See the policies below for information regarding in-library use of the archival materials found in the collections:

Rights & Reproductions

LaBudde, GLAMA, and University Archives

Marr Sound

Digital Special

Student/faculty pricing

We are currently testing a pay-what-you-can model for digitization requests services to ensure access to our collections regardless of financial situation. We will use the “Audio/Video Copy – Marr Sound Archives Items” fees to give you an estimate of the value of labor to complete your request but you are free to pay that amount, as you are able. The pay-what-you-can model does not apply to digitization services for users’ items. We welcome direct or anonymous feedback on this model.

Marr Sound
Archives Items*

Audio/Video Copies
Free for first 2 items
  • First two copies are free
  • $10 after first two items


Audio/Video Copies
$ 20 per hour
  • $20/hour for students
  • $35/hour for employees

* Copied items of materials in the Sound Archives are made available in the form of a link that provides streaming playback. Written consent must be given by the Sound Archives to obtain a copy of the digital file. Commercially published recordings that are still in print or otherwise available through commercial outlets will not be duplicated. Some archival collections may be restricted to onsite use only and are not available for duplication.

Streaming video request


Case dimensions: 5’ long x 30” wide x 9” high sitting atop 3’ legs

Glass exhibit table


The First Floor Gallery is located just inside the main entrance of the Miller Nichols Library.

Wall with exhibit content

Conference Room 325

Located on the Third Floor of Miller Nichols Library. For access, enter the library at the north ground floor entrance or the west first floor entrance. Then take the stairs or the elevator to the third floor..

Map of third floor of Miller Nichols Library