Using the Collections

LaBudde Special Collections staff provide collection access (including GLAMA collections) for in-person researchers and respond to email and phone inquiries during regular department hours. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are strongly recommended for large research projects and in-depth reference assistance. Staff retrieve all requested material for researchers to consult on-site in designated research areas.


We provide tours of our facilities (including the famous Robot!) for groups large and small. You can also request a tour as part of your instruction session. Please contact us ahead of time to schedule a tour. A virtual tour is also available:

LaBudde Special Collections virtual tour


We offer three general types of instruction session:

  1. Introductory session: Teaches students the basics, like where LaBudde Special Collections is located, how to request and use the resources, and exposes the students to distinctive primary sources unique to UMKC and the Kansas City community.
  2. Research orientation: Provides instruction on in-depth use of LaBudde Special Collections’ finding aids, catalog, and collections. This type of session is typically tailored to a specific course subject or assignment. Our staff is available to collaborate on assignment design.
  3. Project based session: Offers opportunities for unique research projects ranging from building physical or digital exhibits to transcribing historic documents. These collaborations are generally longer than one class period and require advance planning with a special collections librarian.

Schedule a Session

with LaBudde Special Collections

Duplication Services

Basic Scanning & Copying

We use a pay-what-you-can model for Basic Scanning & Copying requests services to ensure access to our collections regardless of financial situation. We will use the Basic Scanning & Copying fees below to give you an estimate of the value of labor to complete your request but you are free to pay that amount, more, or less, as you are able.

High-resolution Scanning & Image Reproductions

You can request and pay for high-quality scans of collection materials, including image reproductions, for personal or public use.

If the item has already been digitized, a per-item fee applies. If the item has not been digitized, a time/labor fee is assessed instead, based on a 30 minute minimum charge and 15 minute increments thereafter.

A public use fee may also apply. This fee is assessed once per project and covers all items and mediums of distribution. Paying a public use fee is not a clearance of copyright. Fees are detailed below.

Low-Resolution Image Reproductions

You can freely download scaled images in JPG file format from Digital Special Collections.

To download an image, select the far left blue button just above the image viewer. Credit us: "LaBudde Special Collections, UMKC University Libraries." This is a free and easy option if images do not need to be high quality, such as for private study or small-scale online use.


LaBudde Special Collections reserves the right to assess fees in addition to those below, such as supplies, shipping & other service charges.


UM System includes employees and students of UMKC, MU, UMSL and MST.
KC area includes Jackson (MO), Johnson (KS), Clay, Wyandotte, Cass, Platte, and Leavenworth counties.

  • Basic Scanning & Copying 60 min. free, then $20/hour

    Scans are delivered as digital files. For paper printouts, add $5 per 25-page increment after first 25 pages.

  • High-Resolution Scanning & Image Reproductions 2 items free, then $10/item

    Besides the per item fee, add time/labor for work over 30 minutes as well as scanning needs that require special attention, such as oversized material or rescans to upsize.

  • Digitizing Employee personal material $35

    per hour basis

  • Time/Labor $20/hour

    Time/labor is assessed by the quarter hour.

  • Public Use Fee Free/waived

    Public Use Fee assessed when intended use is for public/commercial projects, including, but not limited to, in-print, online, exhibit, film, broadcast, and performance. Paying a public use fee is not a clearance of copyright.


KC area includes Jackson (MO), Johnson (KS), Clay, Wyandotte, Cass, Platte, and Leavenworth counties.

  • Basic Scanning & Copying 15 min. free, then $40/hour

    Scans are delivered as digital files. For paper printouts, add $5 per 25-page increment after first 25 pages.

  • High-Resolution Scanning & Image Reproductions $20/item

    Besides the per item fee, add time/labor for work over 30 minutes as well as scanning needs that require special attention, such as oversized material or rescans to upsize.

  • Time/Labor $40/hour

    Time/labor is assessed by the quarter hour.

  • Public Use Fee $100/project

    Public Use Fee assessed when intended use is for public/commercial projects, including, but not limited to, in-print, online, exhibit, film, broadcast, and performance. Paying a public use fee is not a clearance of copyright.


Jackson (MO), Johnson (KS), Clay, Wyandotte, Cass, Platte, and Leavenworth counties.

  • Basic Scanning & Copying 30 min. free, then $20/hour

    Scans are delivered as digital files. For paper printouts, add $5 per 25-page increment after first 25 pages.

  • High-Resolution Scanning & Image Reproductions $10/item

    Besides the per item fee, add time/labor for work over 30 minutes as well as scanning needs that require special attention, such as oversized material or rescans to upsize.

  • Digitizing Employee personal material $35

    per hour basis

  • Time/Labor $20/hour

    Time/labor is assessed by the quarter hour.

  • Public Use Fee $25/project

    Public Use Fee assessed when intended use is for public/commercial projects, including, but not limited to, in-print, online, exhibit, film, broadcast, and performance. Paying a public use fee is not a clearance of copyright.


KC area includes Jackson (MO), Johnson (KS), Clay, Wyandotte, Cass, Platte, and Leavenworth counties.

  • Basic Scanning & Copying 15 min. free, then $80/hour

    Scans are delivered as digital files. For paper printouts, add $5 per 25-page increment after first 25 pages.

  • High-Resolution Scanning & Image Reproductions $20/item

    Besides the per item fee, add time/labor for work over 30 minutes as well as scanning needs that require special attention, such as oversized material or rescans to upsize.

  • Time/Labor $80/hour

    Time/labor is assessed by the quarter hour.

  • Public Use Fee $150/project

    Public Use Fee assessed when intended use is for public/commercial projects, including, but not limited to, in-print, online, exhibit, film, broadcast, and performance. Paying a public use fee is not a clearance of copyright.

Streaming video request

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Case dimensions: 5’ long x 30” wide x 9” high sitting atop 3’ legs

Glass exhibit table


The First Floor Gallery is located just inside the main entrance of the Miller Nichols Library.

Wall with exhibit content

Conference Room 325

Located on the Third Floor of Miller Nichols Library. For access, enter the library at the north ground floor entrance or the west first floor entrance. Then take the stairs or the elevator to the third floor..

Map of third floor of Miller Nichols Library