RISE Book Display

In collaboration with the UMKC RISE program, the UMKC Libraries have a book display for the month of April for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

RISE stands for Resources, Intervention, Support, & Education. The program offers confidential support services to UMKC all students and employees who are victims and survivors of sexual assault and sexual violence, gender-based violence, stalking, and relationship abuse. RISE also provides information and assistance to family members, friends, colleagues, and allies of all victims and survivors. 

Books included in the display can be checked out by taking them to the library Service Desk. Learn more by visiting the RISE resource list, with recommendations for support and advocay on campus and beyond, for victims/survivors, and for family, friends, and allies. Pick up a brochure, coloring page, or a UMKC Green Dot button from the display, too!

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Case dimensions: 5’ long x 30” wide x 9” high sitting atop 3’ legs

Glass exhibit table


The First Floor Gallery is located just inside the main entrance of the Miller Nichols Library.

Wall with exhibit content

Conference Room 325

Located on the Third Floor of Miller Nichols Library. For access, enter the library at the north ground floor entrance or the west first floor entrance. Then take the stairs or the elevator to the third floor..

Map of third floor of Miller Nichols Library