Student Exhibit Guidelines

UMKC Libraries believe that public exhibits are an enriching and stimulating part of any community. We are pleased to have dedicated gallery spaces on the first floor of our main library and at the Health Sciences Library primarily for students to share their creative and intellectual work. We hope that these exhibits will entertain, inspire, inform, educate, and, at times, highlight the Libraries’ information resources and services. The galleries provide low-pressure opportunities for students to gain experience showing their work. These exhibits also provide an excellent opportunity for the Libraries to engage in collaborative projects with others across the UMKC community and between multiple disciplines. 


  • Support UMKC students in academic and creative success by offering them an avenue to display their art or creative work within their campus community
  • Diversify the communities and perspectives represented in Libraries exhibit spaces by focusing on student creators and students from underrepresented groups
  • Enhance the strategic mission and development goals of the library
  • Nourish intellectual, aesthetic, and creative growth
  • Promote university and community relations

Criteria for Selection

  • Reflects vitality, originality, artistic expression, and experimentation. 
  • If the topic is controversial, an objective presentation is required. 
  • Relation to other events or exhibits in the community. 
  • Representation of an influential movement, genre, trend, or national culture. 
  • Appropriateness to special events, anniversaries, holidays, etc. 
  • Does not promote the partisan political, religious, or social doctrines of any single person or group. 
  • Does not promote the financial profit of any individual, organization, or commercial enterprise. 
  • Ease and cost of installation. 
  • Satisfies public safety considerations, e.g. free standing displays, hands-on exhibits, etc. 
  • Student art exhibits are subject to the UMKC Libraries Exhibits Policy. 

Additional Criteria for Health Sciences Library Gallery 

  • The exhibit or display has themes or connections to mental or physical health, or the artist is in one of the Health Sciences District programs (dentistry, medicine, nursing and health studies, pharmacy). 

Exhibit Location, Description, and Use

Miller Nichols Library First Floor Gallery

  • Located just inside the first floor entrance to the Miller Nichols Library 
  • Gypsum sheet-rock wall (dimensions) 
  • Walker Display hanging system accommodates all wall-hung works. 
  • Two glass-topped display cases may be available for use upon request. (Case dimensions: 5’ long x 30” wide x 9” high sitting atop 3’ legs). 
  • Limited electrical access. 
  • Exhibits may not impede traffic flow in the surrounding space.

Health Sciences Library Gallery

  • Located inside the Health Sciences Library on the second floor of the UMKC School of Medicine Building; the gallery is on the east end of the library. 
  • Gypsum sheet-rock wall, 15’ wide. 
  • Walker Display hanging system accommodates all wall-hung works. 
  • Tables may be requested for three-dimensional works. 
  • Limited electrical access. 
  • Exhibits may not impede traffic flow in the surrounding space.

Funding & Responsibility of Exhibitors

Exhibitors are solely responsible for funding all costs associated with the exhibit, including but not limited to shipping, installation, dismantling, insurance, and reception. Artwork must be ready for exhibition with two‐dimensional work having proper matting, framing and wire for hanging. All work must be tagged on the back with the artist’s name and title of the work.

Security and Insurance

Exhibits are often located in high traffic areas whose visibility reduces the likelihood of damage or theft of materials; however, UMKC Libraries takes no responsibility for the security or welfare of exhibits at any time, including during transport, installation, or dismantling. Before installing an exhibit, exhibitors and the Libraries representative must sign a release, indemnifying UMKC from any responsibility for loss or damage. The original signed Exhibit Release Form will be retained in the unit. A copy of the Form will be sent to the Office of the Dean of University Libraries. Insurance coverage, if needed, is the responsibility of the Exhibitor.


Exhibits must be placed to accommodate physical safety considerations. There cannot be loose cords or cabling, freestanding units must be secure, and ease of egress from the exhibit for emergency purposes must be assured. The exhibits must be set up to accommodate disability access.

Exhibit Duration

Exhibits should have specific start and end dates, although the end date may be extended if the schedule allows. As a general rule, exhibits should be on display for an entire semester (three to four months), but shorter exhibit times are permissible.

Exhibit Support Materials

Brochures and other promotional material and/or instructional materials to accompany an exhibit are optional, and must be provided by the exhibitor.


For information to be placed on the News and Events page, send copies of the approved proposal to the Libraries’ administrative office, along with an image.

Email Anne Allen if you have additional questions regarding student exhibits in the library.

Related Policies

Streaming video request

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Case dimensions: 5’ long x 30” wide x 9” high sitting atop 3’ legs

Glass exhibit table


The First Floor Gallery is located just inside the main entrance of the Miller Nichols Library.

Wall with exhibit content

Conference Room 325

Located on the Third Floor of Miller Nichols Library. For access, enter the library at the north ground floor entrance or the west first floor entrance. Then take the stairs or the elevator to the third floor..

Map of third floor of Miller Nichols Library