G Ground Floor: Quiet Conversation
- Expect noise and normal conversation at entrance, Music/Media Desk, and hallway to stairs and elevator.
- Limited noise and quiet group study are permitted behind the glass partition.
1 First Floor: Regular
- Interactive study is permitted and expected.
- Cell phone use is allowed, as long as conversations are kept at regular speaking voice.
2 Second Floor: Silent Study
- No conversation or group study, but typing on computers is permitted.
- Cell phones should be silenced. Talking on cell phones is not permitted, but phones may be answered and taken off the floor.
- Audio may be listened to with headphones as long as it is inaudible to others.
- Expect background noise from Active Study Room 202A and the Computer Lab.
- Quiet conversation is allowed in the Computer Lab when users need to interact with IS employees.
3 Third Floor: Quiet Conversation
- Limited noise and quiet group study are permitted.
4 Fourth Floor: Closed for Renovation
- The fourth floor of Miller Nichols Library is closed for renovation until Fall 2025.