Event Guidelines

Public programs and events are a valuable part of UMKC Libraries’ public services outreach. They entertain, inform, educate, and, at times, promote the Libraries’ information resources and services. Programs provide an excellent opportunity for the Libraries to engage in collaborative projects, especially with faculty members and others in the university community. Library policy is to grant reserved use of library space to outside groups only on a one-time or limited basis, not for regularly scheduled, ongoing meetings or classes.

This policy defines the philosophy and goals for public programming throughout the Libraries, identifies responsibility for these programs, and defines acceptance guidelines and general policies. Libraries staff involved in organizing and/or presenting special events are deemed to be acting within the course of official duties and under the authority of the University Libraries of the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

The Dean of Libraries will be responsible for updating and revising this policy.


  • Nourish intellectual, aesthetic, and creative growth
  • Educate the university community on particular topics
  • Enhance the strategic mission and development goals of the library
  • Support university and/or library events, programs, symposia, activities, and accomplishments
  • Promote university and community relations
  • Recognize library supporters, friends, and donors

Criteria for Acceptance

Programs and events in the Libraries will be accepted with reference to the Events Policy and Goals statements. Library spaces are made available, in accordance with these guidelines, to University and University-related departments, groups, and organizations, to student organizations registered with the UMKC Student Life Office, and to presenters sponsored by the Libraries.

The following criteria apply as event proposals are considered, although not all events will meet all criteria. The Libraries reserves the right to approve or disapprove all space use requests, to have final approval for the space configuration, and to make all decisions regarding program duration, location within the libraries, and content of publicity.

  • Educational content ranging from advanced scholarly contributions to general informational value
  • Relevance to library collections
  • Broadness of appeal of the main theme
  • Appropriateness of subject, technique, and style for intended location and audience
  • Appropriateness to special events, anniversaries, holidays, etc.
  • Relation to other events or exhibits in the community
  • Representation of an influential movement, genre, trend, or national culture
  • When the topic is controversial, an objective presentation is required
  • Does not promote the partisan political, religious, or social doctrines of any single person or group
  • Reflects vitality, originality, artistic expression, and experimentation
  • Does not promote the financial profit of any individual, organization, or commercial enterprise
  • Ease and cost of set up and clean up
  • Satisfies public safety considerations
  • Organizer agrees to complete and sign a Events Proposal with the Libraries.

Event Proposal Process and Forms

  1. Organizer reads University Libraries Events Guidelines.
  2. Organizer identifies an open timeframe for the event via the consultation with the UMKC Libraries Administrative Office at umkcula@umkc.edu. See Events Location, Description, and Use.
  3. Organizer completes Events Proposal Form (PDF), prints, signs, and sends copy of the proposal to the UMKC Libraries Administrative Office at umkcula@umkc.edu.
  1. The Libraries’ Administrative Office approves or rejects proposal in a timely manner, based on the Events Criteria for Acceptance and/or schedule. Organizer is contacted with result.
  2. If approved, the event is added to the Libraries’ calendar.
  3. Events Proposal Form (PDF) is retained in the Libraries’ administrative office.

Events Location, Description, and Use

Located within Miller Nichols Library, the iX (Information Exchange) Theatre, 1st floor, Dean’s Gallery, 4th floor, and Dean’s Conference Room, room 325 on the 3rd floor, are the Libraries primary events spaces. Suggestions for programs in other spaces within Miller Nichols Library and the Health Sciences Library are welcome. The Dean of Libraries has delegated to the Libraries’ Administrative Office the authority to approve requests on behalf of the Dean of University Libraries.

Both the iX Theatre and Dean’s Gallery are open spaces and may be reserved only for public events. Programs held within spaces during regular hours of operations must be organized to accommodate and welcome both invited guests as well as other library patrons who might happen upon the event.

The Dean’s Conference Room (room 325) is an enclosed space and may be used for more private events or programs designed to serve a limited number of participants. Please email Jeni Mills or call (816) 235-1531 for more information. Each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

For all aforementioned spaces the library is able to provide limited A/V and moveable furniture. An orientation to the space and equipment is provided by a member of library staff following acceptance of a programming proposal and prior to the date of the event, however library staff support is not available to assist in setting up, during, or in breaking down an event. Consult with the Libraries Administrative Office to inquire about specific needs.

Space not specifically designated for programs may be considered for a special event. To inquire about this type of space, contact the UMKC Libraries Administrative Office at umkcula@umkc.edu.


Organizers are solely responsible for funding all costs associated with the program. Organizers are responsible for publicity beyond that provided by the Libraries. See the publicity section of this document for more information.


Furnishings with event space must be configured so as to accommodate physical safety considerations. There cannot be loose cords or cabling; free-standing units must be secure; and ease of egress from the event space for emergency purposes must be assured. The event space must be set up so as to accommodate disability access.


  • For information to be placed on the News and Events page, send copies of the approved proposal to the UMKC Libraries Administrative Office at umkcula@umkc.edu.
  • Flyers, posters, and handbills should contain consistent messages and should present the Libraries official logo. The Libraries Administrative Office is available for consultation in the creation of flyers, posters, and handbills.
  • The Libraries Administrative Office is also available for advice on media contacts.

Dispute Resolution

The UMKC Libraries supports academic freedom and the free expression of opinion. The Libraries will not exercise any censorship of materials that do not violate the guidelines as expressed in the University Libraries Programs and Events Guidelines or local, state, or federal laws.

The UMKC Libraries subscribes to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights as it applies to exhibit spaces and bulletin boards, specifically:

Libraries that make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

Challenges of a program in a UMKC library may be sent in writing to the Dean of Libraries. The Libraries will respond to written statements as follows:

  • The individual will be notified that UMKC Libraries has received his/her written statement of concern.
  • A review process will be conducted in a timely matter by Libraries Administration in response to an individual’s statement of concern.
  • While a concern is being considered, there will be no change in the status of the display, exhibit, or printed materials.
  • Upon completion of the review process, the appropriate administrator will notify the individual of the Libraries’ decision.
For questions about this policy, call (816) 235-1531 or email umkcula@umkc.edu.

Streaming video request

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Case dimensions: 5’ long x 30” wide x 9” high sitting atop 3’ legs

Glass exhibit table


The First Floor Gallery is located just inside the main entrance of the Miller Nichols Library.

Wall with exhibit content

Conference Room 325

Located on the Third Floor of Miller Nichols Library. For access, enter the library at the north ground floor entrance or the west first floor entrance. Then take the stairs or the elevator to the third floor..

Map of third floor of Miller Nichols Library