Multi-factor Authentication for Library Resources

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On January 11, 2023 the UM System will apply its standard multi-factor authentication system to online library resources. When logging in to the library catalog and databases, users will see the Microsoft login page they currently see for all other online UM System tools (e.g. Canvas, Pathway, Panopto) and will be required to complete multi-factor authentication, by approving the login via their designated computer, mobile device, or phone number.

The Shibboleth login screen will no longer appear.
The Microsoft login screen will appear from January 11.

More information on multi-factor authentication setup and options can be found at Set up Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for Microsoft 365 and employee email.

If you experience difficulty logging in to library resources using multi-factor authentication, either in the library or off campus, contact the UMKC Technology Support Center at (816) 235-2000. The library catalog can be searched without logging in by choosing “Search with Guest Access” under “Search the Library Catalog + Articles.” Guest access to catalog searching does not include the ability to place requests.

Choose "Guest access" to search the Library Catalog without logging in.
Choose “Guest access” to search the Library Catalog without logging in.

Also note that the UM System will enable additional security functions within the Microsoft Authenticator application on January 10, 2023. More information can be found at Security updates to Multi-Factor Authentication Application.

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