Library Collections 2021 Budget News

Every department on the UMKC campus experienced budget cuts this year, including the University Libraries. The majority of the Libraries’ budget goes to library collections: all of the journal and ebook packages and database subscriptions that give us access to articles, reference sources, datasets, music and media. That list of resources gets more expensive every year so even if the library budget didn’t decrease, our spending power decreases and we have to make some cuts to the collections every year. Because these yearly decreases have been happening for a long time, the sharp campus-wide budget cuts that were caused by the COVID-19 situation resulted in deeper collections cuts that affect nearly every discipline of research. In addition, the subscriptions budget shared with the other UM campus libraries was also cut this year; as our ability to rely on centrally-purchased shared resources shrinks, it amplifies the impact of our local cuts.

In short, the many years of flat or decreased budgets compounded by decreased spending power mean that the library can no longer simply cut resources that aren’t used very much. Now, we have to cut subscriptions that are used often. This year’s cuts affect a range of databases and journal titles across disciplines. See the cut list at the bottom of this page. Some vendors allow us to retain access to past issues of cancelled titles after we end our subscription, so access to many of these journals or resources will continue to be available in our library collections with a cut off date in the year it was canceled.

How does the library manage the cuts?

A team of librarians with broad expertise works on these decisions every year, and they use usage data and knowledge of research in the disciplines to make informed decisions about what to cut that will have the least impact or has the best alternative options. In some cases where we have to cut an expensive package of resources, we will purchase individual items instead, based on usage. Our InterLibrary Loan team will work harder than ever to make up for not having as many subscriptions by borrowing what our users need from other libraries, and to make the process of requesting and receiving those items as seamless as possible. Our library reference team will assist users by phone, email, chat, or research appointment when you need to locate an item, review the available sources, or identify an alternative information source.

How will this affect you doing research?

These cuts are likely to have some impact on research in every discipline. However, our library systems are set up to make it as easy as possible for you to request that we borrow articles for you. When searching in library databases you already see buttons that say “Get full text” or “Request from InterLibrary Loan.” Just click to request the item. You’ll see those buttons more often as our collections shrink, and the library team will work to quickly obtain copies of the articles you request. Our InterLibrary Loan delivery times for emailed PDFs are very fast. Some items are delivered the same day, and 85% are delivered within three days.

Get the research resources you need

When you’re doing library research, use these strategies to find articles or other information sources that you need:

Start with the search bar on the library homepage

  • It’s good for finding an item you already know you want. Just enter a title, or citation information. Find it right on the library’s homepage.

Search within a journal

  • Access the full list of academic journals to which the library has active subscriptions in the eJournals search tool.
  • When you know which journal published an article you can go directly to it.

Request anything, we’ll find it for you

  • Request any article, book, or chapter with your Interlibrary Loan login.
  • If we can find it for you, or borrow it for you, we will.

Ask a librarian for help finding what you need

For even more options, use an Open Access browser plugin

  • Some research articles were published to be free for everyone (open access).
  • You can install a browser plugin like Unpaywall or the Open Access Button to be alerted when an open copy of an article is available, and then get it with a click.
  • You can also check Google Scholar.

Learn more

Changes to our database list – both acquisitions and cancellations – appear in the sidebar of the Databases page.

If you would like to read more detail about the changes to library journal and package subscriptions, you can access the list of journal and database cancellations for the 2020-2021 academic year using the button below.

If you have questions about a particular resource or journal title, would like a recommendation for an alternative resource, get in touch with the Head of Collections and Scholarly Communications, Brenda Dingley.

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