Giving to the Library

To give online by credit card, please visit our secure online giving form. We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
Be a Go-To Roo
Join our Go-to Roo monthly giving program and be part of an extraordinary group of supporters who want to make a difference.
By Phone
Call (800) 662-8652 or (816) 235-5778 between 8 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday.
By Mail
Complete and return the Letter of Commitment with your check or money order to:
Checks made payable to UMKC University Libraries may be mailed to:
5115 Oak Street
112 Administrative Center
Kansas City, MO 644112
Make checks payable to the UMKC Foundation. Please use the check memo line to note that your gift is designated to the University Libraries.
Make a Planned Gift
If you would like to support the University Libraries through your estate plan, contact Mark Mattison, call (816) 235-1247, or read more on planned giving.