Course Reserve Request

What can be placed on reserve?

  • Physical materials owned by UMKC Libraries. Kept at appropriate desk and circulated to students for specified time periods.
  • Instructor’s personal copies of materials. If the library does not own a copy, instructors may place their personal copy on reserve or request that the library purchase a copy. The library will take precautions to safeguard materials but assumes no liability.

How does reserves work with your students?

  • Students may gain access to materials at the library service desks.
  • Physical course reserves are also searchable in the library catalog.

Course Reserve Managers

Staff member icon

Nick Wilson

Miller Nichols Library

Staff portrait

Bill Johnson

Music/Media Library

Staff portrait

Linda M. Fox

Health Sciences Library

Streaming video request


Case dimensions: 5’ long x 30” wide x 9” high sitting atop 3’ legs

Glass exhibit table


The First Floor Gallery is located just inside the main entrance of the Miller Nichols Library.

Wall with exhibit content

Conference Room 325

Located on the Third Floor of Miller Nichols Library. For access, enter the library at the north ground floor entrance or the west first floor entrance. Then take the stairs or the elevator to the third floor..

Map of third floor of Miller Nichols Library