Citation Formats & Tools
Cite anything you write or create that uses or refers to the ideas of another person. Things you need to cite:
- Direct quotations
- Paraphrasing of passages
- Indebtedness to another person for an idea
- Use of another student's work
You do not need to cite:
- Information that is common knowledge
When you include someone else’s work as part of your work, you have to acknowledge them. This is true whether you are quoting them directly or just using one of their ideas. If you don’t acknowledge them, you are plagiarizing, or stealing their work. This is a form of academic dishonesty and can have serious consequences as detailed in the University of Missouri Collected Rules & Regulations section on Student Conduct. The Purdue Online Writing Lab explains and gives examples of the right way to use other people’s work. The UMKC Writing Studio also provides help with writing.
Style Manuals
Which Style Should I Use?
Now that you know what to cite, you need to know how to cite it. Different disciplines use different citation styles, but citation style is ultimately determined by your professor. Search by subject to see the typical styles used in your discipline:
Arts Management
Computing Science
Law & Legal Studies
Citation Tools
Collect, organize, cite and share sources with Zotero. For free. See the Zotero Quick Start Guide for more info.
Format citations in any citation style. For free.
Citation help in Turabian or MLA style.
A comprehensive writing guide.