Nikki L’Amour
Nikki is the new Senior Library Information Specialist and Sound Archives Assistant in the Marr Sound Archives. Currently, Nikki is an undergraduate student in English, with a focus on rhetoric and writing, with a minor in digital and public humanities here at UMKC. Nikki is also a future Master’s of Library Science student, looking to focus on archives in the University of Missouri degree program. Prior to this position, Nikki has worked as a library assistant at Metropolitan Community College-Penn Valley Library and Glenwood Public Library. She was also an intern at the Marr Sound Archives for a year. Welcome (back) to the UMKC Libraries, Nikki!

Sophia Pressler
Welcome Sophia Pressler to the Circulation staff. Sophia is Circulation’s newest Library information Specialist. Sophia has a Bachelor’s degree in anthropology/sociology with a minor in folklore from Truman State University. She also has a Master’s degree in anthropology with a Japanese studies concentrations from Illinois State University. Sophia brings a great deal of library experience with her. We’re happy to have you here, Sophia!